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Linea Verde Life RAI UNO al nostro Resort!

  “Linea Verde Life”, il programma di Rai1 condotto da #Marcello Masi e #Daniela Ferolla, ci ha visti Protagonisti.

Abbiamo avuto il piacere di ospitarli un’intera settimana nel nostro Resort, una occasione bellissima per condividere i valori legati al rapporto tra qualità della vita e sostenibilità ambientale.
Un aspetto importantissimo per noi di #NaturalMenteWineResort.

Nella nostra struttura hanno realizzato due diversi Servizi:

  • il primo tra le Vigne, gli undici ettari che attorniano completamente il Resort, con il nostro partner @AsinTrekking, che ha mostrato la bellezza delle passeggiate nelle vigne a bordo di asinelli e pony. Divertimento assicurato per i più piccoli, occasione, anche per i più grandi, di conoscere meglio questi amici dell’uomo.
  • il secondo nel Resort, nel parco, nelle cucine, dove hanno dato voce alle diverse interpretazioni culinarie realizzate partendo dal Barbera: i tagliolini, il salame, il dolce e molto altro ancora

Cliccate qui per vedere il Video


Linea Verde Life RAI UNO at our Resort

Book your stay, give your friends a gift with our Vouchers, write to us:

Our best thanks to all our customers!


“Linea Verde Life”, the RAI UNO program conducted by #Marcello Masi and #Daniela Ferolla, saw us as protagonists. We had the pleasure of hosting them for a whole week in our Resort, a wonderful opportunity to share the values ​​linked to the relationship between quality of life and environmental sustainability.

A very important aspect for us at #NaturalMenteWineResort.


In our structure they have created two different services:

  • the first among the vineyards, the eleven hectares that completely surround the Resort, with our partner @AsinTrekking, who showed the beauty of walks in the vineyards aboard donkeys and ponies. Guaranteed fun for the little ones, an opportunity, even for the older ones, to get to know these human friends better.
  • the second in the Resort, in the park, in the kitchens, where they gave voice to the different culinary interpretations made starting from Barbera: tagliolini, salami, dessert and much more…

Do not miss the episode which will be broadcast on Saturday 7 May 2022,  at 12.30


Il nostro Resort sorge al centro del Monferrato, nominato dall’UNESCO Patrimonio dell’Umanità.

Un territorio unico ed inimitabile di una bellezza straordinaria capace di esprimere produzioni agroalimentari da primato conosciute ed apprezzate in tutto il mondo.

Paesaggi mozzafiato, buon vino, storia e acque termali. NaturalMente Wine Resort è lieto di ospitarvi sul Bricco dell’Amore, in una Villa Ottocentesca interamente ristrutturata che domina le valli Nizza e del Tiglione, ad Agliano Terme, nel cuore dell’Astigiano.



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We had planned to reopen on March 15th and inaugurate, with customers and friends, the new season and, for this reason, we have worked in the past months with the passion of always to be ready to better host our customers.

Followeing the new restictions regarding the containment of the infection by Coronavirus, however, we have decided to re-send the opening. Nothing serious, we will meet again soon, in a moment of greater serenity ready to spend moments of relaxation together.

To show our affection, to customers who had already booked for these weeks, we will refund the deposit, beyond the rules governing this procedure, to everyone and immediately if they cannot postpone their date of stay.

On this occasion many of you have shown us the affection we have always had with beautiful messages full of sharing for the particular moment.
So, we came up with the idea of ​​publishing, precisely to share, even if only virtually, thoughts, photographs, videos of those who in recent years have chosen to spend a holiday or a short stay with us.

We await your contributions then. For our part we are giving away some Resort prizes: bottles of our wine, tastings, a free stay. Let us feel your affection, which is a truly precious asset! We embrace you and open, toasting with you, a bottle of our Barbera. Cin Cin


Our Resort is located at the centers of Monferrato newly appointed UNESCO World Heritage Site.

A unique area of outstanding natural beauty and inimitable capable of expressing agricultural food production record-breaking known and appreciated all over in the world.

Breathtaking landscapes, good wine, History and thermal springs. NaturalMente Wine Resort takes  great pleasure in inviting you to the Bricco dell’Amore (Love Jug), a Spa situated in Agliano in the heart of Asti in a fully refurbished nineteenth century Villa overlooking the valleys of Nizza and Tiglione.